Students Art History Paper Topic Ideas
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An Open life Frida Kahlo by Raquel Tibol translated by Elinor Randall University of Mexico Press.
This is a book review in MLA style that depicts the life of Frida Kahlo completely and with great introspection of what actually made the artist the wonder that she became.
Analysis of "The Three Graces" by Raphael.
This paper analyzes the image in Raphael's painting "The Three Graces," first describing the image itself, then considering its effect and meaning as a vial statement
Analysis of Art in Florence During the Renaissance.
This paper will seek to understand how art in Florence, Italy was created, and by whom in the Age of the Renaissance. By understanding the artist, some of the works that make this period so special, and what Florence was aiming for in the objectives of their art. By understanding all of these elements, we can see how the artist, and the patron brought together a humanistic art to a city built for great achievements. If you need help writing a paper for college - turn to paper writing professional who will help you to choose a topic and write the best paper.
Analysis of Gloucester and Tewkesbury Cathedrals
This paper is a description and analysis of stain glass manufacture as used in the cathedrals at Tewkesbury and Gloucester in England. The paper examines the actual business of producing stain glass schemes before describing and analyzing both famous schemes in some detail, attempting to situate both in a strict historical context that might explain some of the peculiarities of production that have been noted.
Ancient Art.
The goal of this essay is to illustrate the parallels between the many ancient arts in history. The clear theme among many groups seems to be the interest in human, their actions and their emotions. This paper will illustrate that point. Few undamaged originals of ancient architecture or large sculpture remain, and no many paintings have survived. An abundance of pottery vases, coins, jewelry, and gems have survived, however, and along with Etruscan tomb paintings, these give some indication of the characteristics of ancient art. These treasures are supplemented by literary sources. As we can see through history and artifacts, common themes do exist between the ancient art of Rome, Greek, and Egyptian art. Artists were interested in expressing and representing human beings. With the actions and emotions of human beings always being the centerpiece, the parallels between the arts is clear and this can be seen in vases, and pottery, architecture and literature.
Andre Breton: His Influence Upon Surrealist Art.
This nine-page undergraduate paper discusses the French Surrealist poet Andre Breton and analyzes how his Surrealist art philosophy influenced the art world in the twentieth century.
Andy Warhol
This paper outlines a brief biography of famed pop artist, Andy Warhol, along with analysis of his famous work, Orange Disaster #5 which is,in essence a painting/photograph of electric chairs. This paper is designed to review Warhol's life but also to focus on the main theme(s) in Orange Disaster #5.
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